D.K. Pope

writing (writing, writing) to make sense of this world

Tag: humor

Back again

There is a quote in a little book illustrated by Maurice Sendak that, years ago, became one of those things I bonded with, and so my brain carries it around and brings it up more often than not.

Here we are back again, lots of work and lots of pain.

First, I’d like to know exactly what 13-year-old Devin was dealing with that was so painful. Math? Making her bed? Truly horrendous.

Anyway, as I sit here, already 19 days into the new year, that quote rings in my head. The next few months are laid out before me like a long, arduous hike. And, really, I’m not dealing with the worst of it. My husband, M, has a ridiculous semester of studying, teaching and working. Throw a bomb in called preliminary exams and I’ll be happy to get him back in one piece by the end.

So, my work and pain are watching M trudge through this mire, helping when I can, managing our domestic responsibilities, and not killing anyone.

Here we are back again, lots of work and lots of pain.

Another reason I love this quote is that despite the dark sentiment, it’s not dramatic and, if you say it out loud, has a sing-song quality. It fills me with wry mirth and resets my attitude from worry to determination.

This quote is for those, like myself, who get uncomfortable with too much positivity in the face of crap. I don’t want to wallow in self-pity, but I do want to say, “Yeah, this sucks” and not dance around the matter singing, “The sun’ll come out tomorrow.”

Yes. There is lots of work and lots of pain, but I’m not alone, you’re not alone – no one leads a life of rainbows and roses – and it doesn’t rule us. Once the bogeyman of work and pain is acknowledged with a peppy little rhyme it doesn’t seem as bad.

So, say this in your head like George Costanza: Yeah, yeah, yeah, lots of work and pain, so what?

Spoofing Lady Antebellum: Need. Caffeine. Now.

Today was not my own and five minutes ago I looked at the clock and was shocked to see it read past 6pm. And I’d completely forgotten about writing so I offer an old post of mine. It goes out to all students finishing their semesters. Good luck. You probably need some coffee (speaking from my past experiences.)

d.k. mcintyre

I had some time on my hands while watching the Diamondbacks game and wrote a spoof of the Lady Antebellum song Need You Now. Before going any farther, I have nothing against the band or song – I was just amusing myself. If you haven’t heard the song before, please listen to it before reading further.

My version is meant to be sung with just as much sincerity and drama as the original. This is a serious matter and should be treated as such. Enjoy.

Need. Caffeine. Now.
by Devin McIntyre

Early morning wake up
Rushing to get out the door
Passing up the cafe cause
I can’t spend anymore

And I wonder if I’ll
Make it through the day
I know it won’t be easy

It’s a quarter after four
I wish I was asleep
And I need you now
Said I wouldn’t spend
But I’m off the…

View original post 179 more words

The Un-Gift Guide

The Tyrant alarm clock for your teenage son who won’t wake up in the morning.

A cup that tracks liquid consumption for your coworker who drinks soda out of two liter bottles at work. In your line of sight/hearing.

A snarky print for your downstairs neighbors who said they’d finish their loud renovation project in a week. Three months ago.

An answer for your child who keeps asking if it’s Christmas yet.

An Arch Card for the smarmy yoga instructor who lives on green juice.

A decoder ring for yourself. To deal with that family member who you just can’t quite read right and who insists s/he meant nothing, but it’s definitely not nothing.

A candle for your friend who drank a little too much at the Christmas party.

A little something for yourself because sometimes the holidays aren’t just eggnog and caroling.